Italic Bookmarks – NEW and Ridiculously Good-Looking!

          There are three new bookmark patterns/styles available for the Italic Bookmarks line. These are each made of thick, durable upholstery material with pronounced textures and unique patterns and colors. All three will be available for purchase early next week through Etsy: Buy Italic Bookmarks  

What is a Tactile Mechanoreceptor?

Mechanoreceptor Diagram There are so many articles and studies about tactile perception… and so few that are simple enough to actually understand! This article is pretty cerebral – but there is a very interesting diagram from the article. As it turns out, there is a lot going on inside our fingertips! NCBI – Tactile Mechanoreceptors  Continue reading “What is a Tactile Mechanoreceptor?”

The Bandwidth of Tactile Perception

This is a great resource that explains the various types of receptors, transmitters, sensor, processors that are all associated with our magnificent sense of touch. Each time you touch something, or feel a sensation on your skin, there is a lot more going on than you might realize. I found this site very helpful in better understandingContinue reading “The Bandwidth of Tactile Perception”