Colson Whitehead – start with The Nickel Boys

If you want to experience the very best of two time Pulitzer Prize winning author Colson Whitehead, I suggest reading his latest book The Nickel Boys. This resounding work was first released July 2019, and the paperback hit the shelves just a few weeks ago (summer 2020). This was a book that I was reallyContinue reading “Colson Whitehead – start with The Nickel Boys”

Candy Canes are Crimson

Candy Canes are Crimson I haven’t been very excited for Christmas since I was much younger. For so many years, the best thing about the season was a pack of new socks that I would give to myself each Christmas. People just get completely wrapped up in the holly and mistletoe, the lights, and allContinue reading “Candy Canes are Crimson”